Thursday, March 15, 2007

Day hike at Juniper Gulch, OR

An enjoyable day hike to start off the season can be found at Juniper Gulch in southeast Oregon by lake Owyhee, just before Leslie Gulch. Sandy trails, breathtaking rock formations, sage brush, and the occasional pine tree greet the senses. The hike is set in the gulch, with rock cliffs towering above your head. As you gaze around, soaking up the scenery on this short hike (aprox 3.5 mi) you'll notice a multitude of holes in the rocks where bats, birds, and other critters call home. My personal notes for this trip: make sure to stay hydrated. Although the hike isn't strenous you are in the desert, summer months are especially hot with out much shade. The answer to every woman's questions...yes, there are restroom facilities. A semi-well ventilated out house is at the trailhead. Also, make sure your camera is handy. You won't want to miss a thing!

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